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Other Vital Tools

Some of the most essential tools you will be using are among the buttons in the toolbar. We will cover:

The Toolbar is located directly below the title bar at the top of the window. It may be hidden from your view. This is done to provide a larger content area. If you cannot see the toolbar, go to the Options menu and select Show Toolbar. The toolbar contains some of the most frequently used tools.

The Back button*, when you single click on it, takes you back to the page you viewed before the current one. There is a list of the pages you have viewed in your current session in the History menu item under the Window menu. The pages are listed with the most recent at the top. The Back button takes you down this list.

The Forward button retraces your steps after you have used the Back button. It takes you up the History list toward the most recent page you have viewed.

The Stop button is useful in case a transfer is taking too long. Sometimes when you click on a link it takes a long time for the new Web page to come up. The pointer changes from an arrow to a watch or an hourglass while this is happening. During a transfer it is useless, and counterproductive, to click on the link again, or anywhere else in the content area. You can, however, click outside the content area, and the first thing you might want to click on is the Stop button, in order to stop the transfer.

*Note: The toolbar buttons can be designated by a picture, by text, or by both. You can select your preference by clicking on General Preferences in the Options menu, opening the Appearance file and selecting the appropriate radio button in the box titled Toolbars.