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341 Meeting Structure and Questions

This page describes the structure of the 341 meeting and the questions that our office asks during the meeting.


§341 of the Bankruptcy Code states that "trustee shall call a meeting of creditors to be held. The business of the meeting shall include the examination of the debtor under oath." The meeting is held by a member of the trustee's staff. The debtor, joint debtor and the debtor attorney are required to attend the meeting. Creditors may attend if they wish.

The purpose of meeting is to review the petition and schedules with the debtor to ensure they are accurate, resolve any issues that may impact confirmation of the plan and to give creditors an opportunity to question the debtor.


Prepare computer and escort attendees to room.

Turn on recorder and state case information.

Ask attendees to state their appearances.

Explain meeting process to debtor.

Swear in debtor.

Verify name, social security number, address, prior filings.

If there is a joint debtor, use information from petition to ask the following questions:

If this is a repeat filer ask the following questions:

Pro Se Debtor. Ask the following questions:

Business cases. Ask the following questions regarding the reporting package mailed to the debtor and debtor attorney:

Verify schedules - property, debts, income and expenses.

Allow creditors to ask relevant questions.

Verify accuracy of claim amounts and equity.
Update information on 341 worksheet.

Arrange payroll deduction and provide Chapter 13 plan information.

Meeting conclusion

Meeting follow up.

341script.html -- Revised: 3/7/17
Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee

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