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Information for Debtor Attorneys

Attorney Rotation Schedule

Court Call Questions

Use this table to contact the trustee's staff attorney regarding each judge's court call and to email miscellaneous documents, i.e., appraisals, business documents.

JudgeStaff Attorney PhoneStaff Attorney eMail
Cleary(312) 431-6533email
Goldgar(312) 431-6530email
Thorne(312) 431-6532email

E-mail required documents

Use these email addresses to send PDF's of tax returns, payment advices and DSO affidavits of compliance to our office. Please include the case number, document type and debtor last name in the subject line of your email. Your cooperation will ensure that the documents are processed efficiently. Thank you.

Email this document typeSample Subject Line
Tax returns21-12345 Tax returns Smith
Payment advices21-12345 Payadvices Smith
DSO21-12345 DSO Smith

Preferred Plan Section 2.3 Language (Effective May 1, 2017)

Tax Return and Refund Language
"On or before April 20th of the year following the filing of the case and each year thereafter, the Debtor(s) shall submit a copy of the prior year's filed federal tax return to the Chapter 13 Trustee. The Debtor(s) shall tender the amount of any tax refund received while the case is pending in excess of $1,200.00 to the Trustee. The tax refunds shall be treated as additional payments into the plan and must be submitted within 7 (seven) days of receipt of each such refunds by the Debtor(s)."

Tax Return Language
"On or before April 20th of the year following the filing of the case and each year thereafter, the Debtor(s) shall submit a copy of the prior year's filed federal tax return to the Chapter 13 Trustee."

National Form Plan and Guidelines(Effective December 1, 2017)

National Form Plan
National Form Plan Guidelines and Helpful Hints

Confirmation Call - Trustee's Position on Confirmation

How to use this document

Results of the 341 Meeting are posted and available for viewing three days after the meeting. Use this page to prepare for the confirmation call. Cases are listed by date of confirmation and then by case number. Click on the case number link to view the status of the case required documents and the notes from the 341 meeting.

Trustee's Position on Confirmation -- Case Listing

Works best when viewed using the Chrome browser.
The information is updated every day at 3:00 pm and is subject to change, based upon receipt of documents and other circumstances.

DAT.html -- Revised: 09/29/23
Copyright © Office of the Chapter 13 Trustee

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